Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Family Memories

Aimee Nolte (Granddaughter) I was only 6 or 7 and I wanted Gma to take a bath with me (I guess I just thought it would be fun to have company??). Gma didn't want to look shocked at my request, so she calmly said, "Okay, wait a minute" and she went upstairs and got her nightgown. She came in the bathroom with it on and got in the bath with me. I started laughing and said "Grandma, you're taking a bath with your night gown on!" to which she replied, "Doesn't everybody?" Grandma's legs were so smooth that she never had to shave them. Emma Fackrell (Granddaughter) Grandma used to make the best hockey-puck cookies in the world, and all she wanted was for me to make them with her. She had a way of making us all feel very special!

Jenni Tingle (Granddaughter) Grandma always made me laugh and smile. Just a few months ago when grandma was living at the Wilson House Aunt Margo and I were there visiting, and Grandma went to use the restroom and told Aunt Margo and I not to talk about anything important until she got back! I always loved that about grandma. She always wanted to hear what was going on in all of our lives. She was a great listener and a great prayer! I also remember Grandma's famous chicken noodle soup, and when she use to have all that Eureka food and we got to go down in the basement and pick out what we wanted for dinner. I also remember when I was sad because my nickname was only Jen. Jill's was Friend, and Kelly's was Kell-bell. I wanted a cool nickname so grandma decided to call me "SUNNY". I was only 8 or 9 and the name didn't last long, but I will always remember her trying to make me feel special.

Joany Haws (Daughter-In-Law) I miss telling Grandma about my day. She was the best listener...she always made me believe everything was going to be ok. The evening before Grandma went to be with the Lord, I was writing out her addresses for her for her Christmas letter. Harold and she and I were all in her cute room together. I couldn't read her writing very well because I didn't have my glasses. Of course I was making a big deal about that. Harold handed me a drinking glass with a thick bottom on it and told me to use that. I ignored him I guess. Grandma started her "belly laugh" and couldn't believe I didn't think he was as funny as she did. We all three ended up in stitches. Trula Whitaker (Daughter) I remember Mom offering $100 reward for lost items. I should have a lot more money now that I do! Shannon Nugent (Daughter) After Dad died, Katie and I flew with Mom back to Zona. Our specific task while we were there was to get mom to all her Doctors to make sure she had a "clean bill of health" before she started her travels. I'm blown away by the fact that she had a "clean bill of health" and leukemia at the same time. On the lighter side, while we were there, Grandma asked Katie if she could spare a pair of panties. Katie told her sure, but was concerned that they were too small for Grandma. Grandma assured her they were just the right fit and immediately put them on her head. She explained that it would keep her hair nice while she slept. Jack Rogers (Brother) To the children of Jean Haws: Yesterday the 23rd of January brought to my sister Janet and me many fond memories of our sister Jean. I remember going for Aunt Pearl who in turn got Dr. Sargent. Daddy was driving a school bus with his favorite team of horses. Aunt Meda came on the after noon train. We were all very happy to have another sister, There was only one draw back as far as I was concerned. The apple box was under Mother's bed, thus my access was limited. Jean was born in Isabel, S.D. January 23 l923. I Just realized I have had so much more of my sister Jean to remember than her children that I wanted you to know that we have been praying for each other and our children for many years. I will continue to pray for each of you and your families. Pinky Rogers (Sister-In-Law) Circuses: You think that is a funny subject heading? I was remembering the time that Jean was in college at Emporia, after her stint in the Army; our son Charles was about three years old and Jean had told him she would take him to the Ringling Brothers circus. When the day came for them to go, she had a chance to have a date with some college man and she was going to tell Charles she couldn't take him. Her big brother stepped in and told her she couldn't break a promise to a little kid and so she refused the date and went to the circus. That was pretty big of her, I'm not sure if the "date", or lack of it, was a blow to her. I keep remembering what good laughs Jean and I had together. Joanie sent me a picture of Jean at Thanksgiving dinner last year. She looks so happy to be with the family. I'm not very good at using the computer but I managed to save that one on the screen. I have been thinking about this memory quite often. Every time I open a bread sack I remember that Jean taught me to twist the top of the sack and turn it back on itself to seal without a twist. And since I open a bagle sack nearly every morning I remember Jean. Isn't it odd how the little things come back to memory? Monica Porter (Granddaughter) My most precious memory of grandma was the last time I spent time with her. She was in the hospital going through her first round of therapy. I was so glad to be there and introduce Logan to his great grandmother. It was fun to surprise her! One evening I was staying with her for a few hours to give my mom and Margo a break. All I could think about was how bad I felt for grandma and what she was going through. I was having a hard time finding the "right" words to say. I wanted to be a comfort to her, but in return she was a huge blessing to me. More than she will ever know. She asked me to get out her Bible and she listed several passages from Philippians and 1 Corinthians for me to read out loud. The verses spoke about true joy in the midst of hard times and learning perseverance. I began to cry as I read each verse. I realized how much I had to be thankful for, and above all I had a loving grandmother who loved the Lord with all her heart and her joy never changed even throughout her miserable health conditions. I will remember my grandma haws as a dedicated woman of God. Margo Posenjak (Daughter) I needed to take Mom to urgent care at Kaiser in Salem when I was there last Fall. I think it was a Sunday and I wasn't sure where to take her. The lady who made the appointment told me to go to the building in the top parking lot. Well, we went to the building at the top of the parking lot. It was pouring down rain, but we got the wheel chair out and mom held the umbrella as we wheeled up to the building. When we got inside, we realized that we were in the wrong building and needed to go to the building at the bottom of the parking lot. I wasn't thrilled about putting her and her chair back in the car to drive down the hill. As sick as she was, she agreed to be pushed down the hill in the pouring rain. We must have been a sight! She was holding my red and white umbrella and I was maneuvering between curbs and parked cars. By the time we got toward the bottom, she had kind of gotten away from me and I was running to keep up with her chair. We laughed so hard as we wheeled into the front door. She was never too sick for a good belly laugh!

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