Friday, January 20, 2012

A Poem From Margo

This is the poem I tucked inside the flap of Mom's Bible cover when I sent
it to Harold.

Mother’s Bible – Margo January 23, 2012
“It is well with My Soul,” “50 years, how short a time since we were wed,” “And He walks with me and He talks with me,” “He was there all the time,” “Just a closer walk with thee”.

These are the expressions of song writers and poets, but speak of my mother’s heart.
Precious tidbits tucked away in her old King James Bible, messages to her
children and grandchildren. Verses underlined and highlighted, notes from sermons preached long ago, sort of a secret code from heaven to us, oh, how we are blessed! I wish she was still
right here by my side. But she used to say, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!
When I read her Bible, it’s like she never left. Her love for the Lord, for her family and friends,
the words so tenderly written in her own hand. Instructions for us to obey. Who’s to get her watch, her Black Hills Gold, what songs to be sung and verses to be read at her funeral. We lovingly followed her wishes and bade her good bye,
But in her Bible we draw close to her again.
Listening to her tender words and admonitions
Still wanting to please her, forgetting the hard times, loving each other, loving her Lord, her
only prayer.

Enjoy your year with Mom, I’ll
miss her precious Bible, but I’m glad it’s your turn.